I Carrot For You

Recently, I discovered something AMAZING! So much so, I needed to share it!

Today, we live in a world of estrogen disrupters. Plastics, by and large, are one of the biggest contributors, however, other products like liners of metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics and pesticides can do some damage too.  If there is only one thing you can do each day to help with your overall health, it’s eating one raw carrot a day.

How Carrots Help Balance Hormones

While meditation and exercise are an important part of a healthy routine. Eating a raw, not cooked, carrot can drastically improve health.  Raw carrots contain an indigestible fiber that helps the body naturally detox.  There really is no need for complicated or restrictive detox programs.  Eating raw carrots is nature’s way to doing just that.

When eating a raw carrot, the fiber binds to the excess estrogen hormone in the body and naturally pulls it out.  This fiber also helps in the prevention of estrogen being reabsorbed in the intestine.  Too much estrogen can lead to all sorts of hormonal disruptions, including PMS, acne and mood disorders. There is also links to certain cancers as well.

Raw carrots just aren’t just a benefit for women, but for men too! While men typically have testosterone dominance, their body produces estrogen too…just in smaller amounts than women. When the testosterone and estrogen balance are off, problems like breast enlargement, erectile disfunction, depression, and infertility may exist.

Good Gut

Besides helping to regulate estrogen balance, carrots also help to lower the number of bad bacterial in the gut.  Intestinal bacteria is usually one of the main culprits causing hormonal imbalance.  The bacteria create a chronic burden for the liver, which keeps it from doing its regular job of processing and eliminating hormones.

When the “system” isn’t flowing well….and “things” get stuck, the estrogen meant for excretion is reabsorbed from the bile.  One study showed that subjects who ate a raw carrot at breakfast had a 50% increase in fecal bile and fat excretion among subjects who did not.  This suggests a change in metabolism or bacterial flora.

Good News

The amazing part is it only take a few days of regularly eating a raw carrot to get balanced.  That’s right…eat one raw carrot daily and begin to shift away from high endotoxins, high cortisol, and high estrogen.  Creating a healthier hormonal pattern will make a big difference in energy levels AND skin!  Some other hormonal issues that a raw carrot can help are headaches, allergies, low thyroid, PMS, and acne.

Carrots also help to reduce inflammation, which research now points to the root cause of most chronic diseases. 

Carrot Brushing

Dental professionals (me included) recommend brushing the teeth at least twice daily.  Think of one raw carrot doing the same inside the body.  The fiber lifts away all the harmful stuff on the insides of the intestines.  Make sure it’s a regular sized raw carrot, not the mini eating size or the juice of the carrot.  In those, the fiber has been removed and are not effective.

Are carrots on your next shopping list?




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