Herbal Hygienist

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Fennel Salad

A good friend recently gave me a fennel bulb.  Fennel isn’t something I’ve had a lot of experience with. Even with its enticing beauty, it’s not a flavor I typically gravitate towards.  My Greek friend lives the Mediterranean lifestyle, and her beauty and energy show for it.  With all the hype of new fad diets, the one that is constant and sustaining is the Mediterranean diet.  It’s one that can be a longstanding lifestyle because it incorporates eating real and fresh foods.  Scientific research has shown over and over the health benefits of good fats, whole foods, and flavor varieties that help our body stay in balance.  With that, I wanted to share the benefits of fennel with you today.  

Fennel is in the carrot family with its feathery leaves and bright yellow flowers that grows wild in the Mediterranean region on road sides.  Fennel seeds are better known in my area for use in pork sausage; however, they are also found in spices used throughout India, Afghanistan, Iran and the Middle East in blends like garam masala.  Fennel is super high in dietary fiber, a good source of potassium with vitamins A, C, B6, and other nutrients that fight those free radicals that lead to premature aging.  Thank you, Angela, for the inspiration!


Fennel Salad


  • 1–2 medium fennel bulb, trimmed of the stalks (but save a few green fronds for garnish!)

  • ½–1 tart apple (I used a Fuji)

  • 2 tablespoons good extra-virgin olive oil

  • Juice of 1 fresh lemon (about 1-2 tablespoons)

  • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste

  • Fresh-shaved Parmesan cheese

  • Lemon zest


1.     Cut the fennel bulb in half lengthwise, remove the cores, then cut crosswise into paper-thin slices. Transfer to a large bowl. 

2.     Cut the apple into equally thin slices and add to the bowl with the sliced fennel. 

3.     Drizzle the olive oil over the prepared ingredients, followed by the lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper, and mix to combine. Garnish with generous shaves of Parmesan, fennel fronds, and lemon zest.